
Mar 152 min

Inner Work Series Parts 5 to 8

Welcome back. The last post was the Inner Work Series Parts 1 to 4 all in easy to access location. Now we continue with 5 to 8.

Many people are using this series as an easy resource for their spiritual awakening and transformation. Many have been on a journey for some time and are using this as a refresher and tick sheet to see where they are at with their achievements. And it's free to use. Please pass this on to anyone who may benefit from the content.

Part 5

Covers unconscious blocks, tension and stress and the need to undo the tension in the physical body. For the free yoga Nidra relaxation and regeneration track, visit the AstralJules shop.

Part 6

The importance of being mindful of and deconstructing belief systems. Also, the propaganda you may not be aware of and how it has moulded your reality into one of tribal control that has harmed humanity.

Part 7

Blocks in the body can manifest as illnesses if not resolved. Many of today's most common diseases are covered in this video.

Part 8

A follow-on from the negative fallout of propaganda and how deconstruction is necessary to bring awareness to what does not serve our human experience in a positive way. Taking back ownership of our own lives from anyone or anything that is an authority over our individual lives.

Jules is currently taking clients for Regression Healing sessions, and personal astrology readings including natal, transits, and karma readings. You will be taken beyond the normal constellation and Sun Sign readings to in-depth coverage of what affects you in this life in terms of forces and your experiences. Please enquire via Contact for more details.
