Find your REAL Astrological Identity
Please scroll down this page to read about all my astrological and healing services.
Having an accurate knowledge of your Star Sign with a full Natal Chart, opens up your world, and your future.
I am able to work with you holistically, as we explore and discover the real you. Contact me now ​

Sidereal Natal Chart
90 minute session and
Full Report
Price: $Aus/$US $380
Make sure you know you real Star Sign. This is the blueprint of your ego – both lower and higher ego, also known as your Soul Blueprint. A Natal Report is your guiding light of self-knowledge of your characters that will help you know what makes you do what you do. The focus here is on your character traits, your personality and the forces that influence, and then determine your life experiences. Provided I have your time of birth, the report will include houses, constellations and angles and the usual Sun Sign information.
We will go through your traits in detail and you will get a blueprint document to keep for life. Knowledge is power and self-knowledge is the only way to find joy and peace within yourself. It might take a bit of work, but without this, you won’t get far. It is stunning what you will learn about yourself.
Natal readings include an extensive report and a 90 minute session in person one on one via Telegram or Skype.
Follow-up sessions may include the Inner Space Regression modality or consultations to reinforce clarity on your ego and human potential.
I will need your Date,Time and Place of birth. Contact me now.

Sidereal Astrological Predictions Report
1 hour session and
Full Report
Price: $Aus/$US $380
Firstly, you have your natal blueprint which is determined by the placement of the planets as at the date, place and time of your birth. The planets keep moving around up there, and it is this movement that stimulates and influences what goes on down here on earth. Knowing how those forces are influencing you is known as a Transit. The Transit or Prediction reports I do are for 12 month periods, detailing the influence of those forces on your natal chart. They are personal and not generalised, as you usually see via magazines and newspapers.
The report is approximately 15 pages and the session includes a 1-hour chat via or Skype.
I will need your Date, Time and Place of birth. Contact me now.

Past Lives & Subconscious Sessions
$Aus/$US $190 per session
As your spiritual healer I will assist you tap into the richness of your past lives and discover some of the underpinnings to your unique soul blueprint. You will be able to understand more deeply, who you are from the past lives you have had. I will help open up your subconsciousness and get you more in touch with what sits within you.
By exploring this together, you will see your past experiences and assist the release of what is inside your subconscious, soul and that defines your being.
You will have a profound energy release with any blockages being cleared.
I will need your Date, Time and Place of birth. Contact me now.
See Astral Jules' Special Healing Package below...
Resilience, Awakening Counselling
& Spiritual Healing
My technical and spiritual services will support your continual growth as your soul blueprint and your energy come to the fore. There are many ways I can support you so you have a life you love. Contact me now

Resilience Check-in
and Check-up Session
$Aus/$US $190 per session
Many people are awakening to the magnitude of the many changes occurring in the world. Everything is impacting people's health and mental well being. The reality is that how your energies are, impact the wider environment and people around you, and vice versa.
Now is a time that people are struggling to adapt to all the changes out there and also within our own relationships and own lives. Partners, friends and family are struggling to communicate on the same level and this new service offers you an invaluable soul partner to ensure you are well prepped and more resilient.
Sessions begin at 1 hour via or Skype, and depending on complexity, may go over time. Maximum time is 90 minutes. Contact me now.

Karma and Wound
Healing Report
$Aus/$US $280
The Wound(s) are indicated by Chiron in your chart and the Karma is defined by the Sesquisquares in a natal chart. This report is the compilation of both your wounds and karma so that you are able to navigate your difficulties with more clarity. And hopefully, it will mean less time with your psychologist or therapist!
This report, whilst separate from the natal reading, forms part of your natal blueprint. The reason it is not included in a normal natal reading is because of the depth of information beyond your normal character traits. Also, most people do not undertake a path of in-depth spiritual transformation. Think of the natal report as Grade School, the Karma and Wound Report would be University levels of self-knowledge for the purposes of transformation.
The report is approximately 12 pages and includes a 1-hour session via or Skype.
I will need your Date of birth, Time of birth and Place of birth. Contact me now.

Inner Space Regression & The Quantum Field
$Aus/$US $190 per Session
Life throws at us many things and some of our reactions to these situations we don't understand.
This session will assist heal deep wounds, and emotional pain that you may be feeling. Through working together we can face and replace the pain, loss and sense of grief that you might be feeling.
Using your own deep inner space of consciousness I help navigate you through your mental landscape. The experience will be similar to a meditation space as we traverse the unified quantum field. You are fully aware and you retain consciousness of the session and experiences when out of the healing. If blockages and emotions come up that require clarity and clearing then this technique is available to clients. Often the deep regression sessions can go beyond the emotions and difficulties into spaces of angelic resonance. Clients have had major openings into high spaces and they are often life-changing. It is often through a deep inner space regression session that clients have it confirmed that there is more to life than they first thought. The quantum field is awesome!
Sessions begin at 1 hour and depending on complexity, may go overtime. Maximum time is 90 minutes.
I will discuss with you how this works one on one. Contact me now.
Additional Services
Please contact me for any of these options, or just to reach out and I will see how I can assist.

Clearing Services

Special Astrological and Healing Packaging $1300
This special package consists of:
- a Natal Reading,
- Transit Report and
- additional 3 x 1 hour consults.
​I will need your Date of birth, Time of birth and Place of birth. Additionally please state where you are currently living, i.e. name of city and state and country. I will need to organise bookings to align with time zones that suit us both.

Reach Out to me
I would love to hear from you.